Thursday, April 03, 2008

check out these 2 podcasts:ANALOG AFRICA MIX UP & the NICKY Z / JOEL B MIX (for this one look down where all the podcasts are and you'll see the K Records podcast which is it and it also has a tracklisting)

The most recent polls told this:

THE LAST CRUSADE is the all time favorite of the Indiana Jones series, STAR WARS is the all time favorite trilogy, & folks would only enter a (((vibe hut))) if THE (((VIBES))) KEPT THEIR HANDS OFF!

check out this new burger game I posted's like Donkey Kong...but better! watch out for the bacon & eggs!!!

also, that SHADOW MUSIC OF THAILAND LP came in the mail...and it is amazing

I am now enrolled in a class called THE 50'S: FAB & FRAUGHT. It is 4 hours a night 2 days a week and so far has proved to be an interesting class and the 2 ladies that teach it are very endearing. We got to watch HIGH NOON yesterday and then we had a seminar about it (which was my first TESC seminar). I was a little annoyed at how all the greeners wanted everyone else to "restrict themselves"..... and at times I felt everyone was restricting themselves a little too much to the point where I just kept talking and then I felt like I was not restricting myself!!! ahhh...stupid greeners.

at any rate...check out the brand new K Office Web Log!

Ness and I started watching a television show called HEROES recently and it is highly addictive...and for the most part...very entertaining! we are nearing the end of the first season...and shit is getting complicated!!!

what's the next poll going to be?

I was talking to Ness, Danny K., & Jared last night and it seems like we might be showing some Cousteau Odyssey and Planet Earth at the Capitol Theater late night stylee. whooo

last Sunday I saw ROBOCOP was pretty darn ridiculous. I don't know if I even can handle the 3rd one....

1 comment:

R. Willshire Allichester IV said...

HAHA! im so glad you posted the vibe hut poll.